從美國引進的彩色路跑The Color Run,今天在大佳河濱公園舉辦,主辦單位準備6噸的彩粉,讓1.5萬名跑者好好享受「被染色」的歡樂,不過,上回彩色路跑有不少人被攻擊到眼睛、鼻子不舒服,這回儘管還是有相同狀況發生,但可以發現不少參賽民眾有備而來,不只有護目鏡、口罩,甚至有人連「防毒面具」都拿出來,兼具功能和造型。
TAIPEI, TAIWAN - SEPTEMBER 28: Competitors pose for a photograph after a run through the red color throw area during the Taiwan Colour Run at Dajia Riverside Park on September 28, 2013 in Taipei, ... 較多
TAIPEI, TAIWAN - SEPTEMBER 28: Competitors pose for a photograph after a run through the red color throw area during the Taiwan Colour Run at Dajia Riverside Park on September 28, 2013 in Taipei, Taiwan. This is the first time Taiwan has hosted a Colour Run. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) 較少